Tgolf - Testimonials

We have the most amazing customers, who have been gracious enough to send in their positive feedback on Tgolf. If you would like to send in your own comments about Tgolf, please contact us here. We’d love to hear from you!

Letters that we've received from Golf Schools & Institutions about T-Golf®

After ordering the T-Golf system at the PGA Merchandise Show, I couldn’t wait for the shipment to arrive. I had high expectations that it would be a great tool to enhance my instruction program. Well, at the end of the first day that I put it into the hands of my students, my greatest expectations were exceeded.

Yesterday, I taught 4 students. Three out of 4 were students who had already begun a series of lessons with me. Two were senior men and the other was an 8 year old junior boy. With each of these 3 students I witnessed what I can only describe as a miraculous transformation when they transitioned from T-Golf to hitting shots with their golf clubs. The smiles on their faces spoke volumes. It was so rewarding for me to see them hitting shots with such great compression, control, and accuracy. These are all are all new players to the game. After T-Golf they all were hitting the ball so much better than they had ever done before. In fact, the young boy –(apparently unable to adequately express his feelings in words), got a bit theatrical and literally fell down on the ground in a pretend faint from shock as he remarked to his father – who was watching the lesson, and myself – “I’ve never hit a golf ball like this before”.

The fourth student was a senior man that I had never taught before. He also made a huge improvement after I had him using T-Golf. From personal experience – (unfortunately too much personal experience), I know that without T-Golf it would have been a painstaking process for both he and I to eradicate his left wrist breakdown at impact. But with only twenty minutes of T-Golf the improvement he made was remarkable. He was able to maintain a firm left wrist at impact on the majority of all the shots he hit after using T-Golf. He was absolutely delighted that he was hitting the ball in the air and amazed at his newfound ability to hit more than one good shot in a row. – (I suspect that it may have been his previous best record). I was delighted that I was able to provide him with such a great tool that enabled him to improve so quickly and easily.
Thank you so much for T-Golf. What a great contribution to the game.

Kelly Pond, Director, Special Olympics Southern California
Dee, It was such a pleasure meeting you and Chris, and having you there at Fall Games. You really added to the event, and provided a wonderful experience for the athletes and their families. What I liked best is how much fun it seemed like the two of you were having! I look forward to keeping in touch, and inviting you to be a part of Summer Games as well. The Games are scheduled for June 11-13, at Cal State Long Beach, so put it on your calendar! I would love to see the copies of your photos, if they are easily shared. Also, I was wondering if I could get your mailing address? Again, THANK YOU both so much for spending your weekend with us.

From: Bill Fields Assistant Vice President of Sports and Training Special Olympics Southern California
You guys are the best! Thanks so much for the T-Golf Clinic, we do want you at our Summer Games. Lets stay in touch. Thanks for helping to keep our athletes focused.

From Jerry Elwell, Former PGA Southern California Section’s Chairman of the Teaching Committee and California Teacher of the Year:
I just got off of a Teaching Committee Conference Call – we didn’t get to all of the items on the Agenda and some did not receive it – I will follow up with an e-mail concerning several of the items including T-Golf’s involvement. Just give me a few spaced spots as they are looking to me as Committee Chairman and we will get this out to every member of the Teaching Committee.

I will also be sharing with them my story on T-Golf. Yesterday, my wife and I came out to just hit some balls. I take Wednesdays off – usually 1/2 day is spent on Max Out items – you know that from getting the business going. I took a large Teaching basket down to the other end of the range where it is private. I asked my wife to try the T-Golf.

She is a novice golfer – mother of 9 children, there has been no time for indulging herself in a time consuming game like this. She can hit some really good shots but lacks any consistent motion.

She had seen it (T-Golf) in the Lab and my real enjoyable times in playing now are with her – not trying to win an event. I showed her how it (T-Golf) worked and then got her to try it. Well she never used a regular club. (She preferred T-Golf). She hit a lot of balls and I told her to take a break. She hit most of the balls and then watched me finish up. She said she could do this every day. I continued only because we couldn’t go on the golf course. One course was closed so we kept checking play out and then finally found a spot on the second tee near the end of the range.

Our intent was to just hit balls. She said why don’t we go play some that is how it started. She played 2, 3, 4, skipped 5 (cell call) and then another hole. All of her challenges are with short shots around the green but now she has a reference point of motion.

I need to go to a fitting now but thought you might like to see where we are out here!
Make a Lot of Birdies.


T-Golf works. i have, in the past week, used it with rank beginners, intermediates and experienced players who have lost their swing. in each case—success. 

I must tell you about the experienced players.. this was a group of three.. husband & wife and a friend of theirs. She had given up trying to make a come-back to golf after much radiation for breast cancer. She was a good player but now was not able to get the ball in the air or even good contact.. her husband has not been able to stop hitting ground balls and slicing. Their friend could not get the ball in the air. 

I worked with them for 60 minutes.  20 minutes with each individual. after their 20 minutes i handed them their 7 iron. The women hit the ball off the mat and in the air with fair distance—and straight. After 6 balls like that I started on her husband. 

Stepped him through the 3 tee heights and then handed him his 7 iron. He hit the ball in the air–good distance and with a slight draw. Same story with their friend. 

Will see them again tomorrow and go through the same routine. 

My question is—-how many sessions before this stickes in their muscle memory ?

the rank beginner had only hit ground balls. Now hits them up and straight. 

Outstanding product.

Expert Testimonials

"The Tgolf Telescoping Swing Trainer is a tremendous advance in the world of training devices…all based on simplicity. It's ability to assist any golfer with proper balance, rotation and tempo is unlike anything on the market today….and at a learning curve that is both fast and fun. Working with this system will improve the fundamental swing mechanics of all golfers, from beginners to the PGA professionals I work with."
Joseph Hallett, PGA
PGA Professional & GOLF Top 100 Instructor
"The Tgolf Telescoping Swing Trainer is a tremendous advance in the world of training devices…all based on simplicity. It's ability to assist any golfer with proper balance, rotation and tempo is unlike anything on the market today….and at a learning curve that is both fast and fun. Working with this system will improve the fundamental swing mechanics of all golfers, from beginners to the PGA professionals I work with."
William J Reilly, PGA
Former PGA Headquarters Junior Golf Development Manager

After ordering the T-Golf system at the PGA Merchandise Show, I couldn’t wait for the shipment to arrive.  I had high expectations that it would be a great tool to enhance my instruction program.  Well, at the end of the first day that I put it into the hands of my students, my greatest expectations were exceeded.

Yesterday, I taught 4 students.  Three out of 4 were students who had already begun a series of lessons with me.  Two were senior men and the other was an 8 year old junior boy.  With each of these 3 students I witnessed what I can only describe as a miraculous transformation when they transitioned from T-Golf to hitting shots with their golf clubs. The smiles on their faces spoke volumes.  It was so rewarding for me to see them hitting shots with such great compression, control, and accuracy.  These are all are all new players to the game. After T-Golf they all were hitting the ball so much better than they had ever done before. In fact, the young boy –(apparently unable to adequately express his feelings in words), got a bit theatrical and literally fell down on the ground in a pretend faint from shock as he remarked to his father – who was watching the lesson, and myself -  “I’ve never hit a golf ball like this before”.

The fourth student was a senior man that I had never taught before.  He also made a huge improvement after I had him using T-Golf. From personal experience – (unfortunately too much personal experience), I know that without T-Golf it would have been a painstaking process for both he and I to eradicate his left wrist breakdown at impact. But with only twenty minutes of T-Golf the improvement he made was remarkable. He was able to maintain a firm left wrist at impact on the majority of all the shots he hit after using T-Golf. He was absolutely delighted that he was hitting the ball in the air and amazed at his newfound ability to hit more than one good shot in a row. – (I suspect that it may have been his previous best record).  I was delighted that I was able to provide him with such a great tool that enabled him to improve so quickly and easily.

Thank you so much for T-Golf. What a great contribution to the game.

Cindy Jones, PGA Professional
Director of Instruction, Savannah Golf School

The simplest explanation or strategy tends to be the best one.” – Occam’s Razor

T-Golf® has been validated by many of the game's greatest instructors.
We have PGA Instructors from all over the world saying:

These experts range from the biggest names in teaching to PGA Master Professionals. T-Golf® is also the proper bridge needed to extend golf to the masses. T-Golf® works with players of all skill levels and it supports ALL SWING TEACHING METHODS. We have successfully torn down the industry barriers to entry of difficulty, time, expense and accessibility. In addition, we have solved the number one on course problem which is slow play.

T-Golf® has been accurately described as a “golf industry paradigm.” It represents a Tectonic Shift in Golf instruction and playability. This is all accomplished while maintaining the essence, tradition and competitive elements that have made GOLF one of the WORLD’S MOST POPULAR SPORTS!

Tgolf for Everyone!

by Charles and Susan Veeder, CV Golf

2008 has been a breakout year for our golf instruction business using your T-Golf equipment.  We have found that not only is the equipment a great training and teaching golf development tool but it also has other applications for individuals that have physical limitations either through injuries and/or physical disabilities. Below are our success stories to date for 2008:
  1. We formed an alliance with Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital to utilize T-Golf with rehabilitation patients as a method to keep individuals active playing golf despite injuries or physical disabilities.
  2. Using T-Golf, Sunnyview Hospital has grown their annual golf clinic for physically disabled individuals to 40 plus participants.
  3. Presented T-Golf at the 2008 Conference of Recreational Therapists in Saratoga Springs, NY.  This involved hands on training of recreational therapists in the use of T-Golf equipment.  We have been invited back to present in 2009 in an expanded offering.
  4. Northport VA Hospital in Long Island won a government grant to start an in hospital on course T-Golf program at their facility.  (In process of implementation)
  5. Utica College, Utica, NY set up a T-Golf Program for the Disability Recreational Program that they offer to the community and to studens.
  6. New Hampshire Veterans Home instituted a T-Golf Program as recreational therapy at their New Hampshire location.
  7. We have been invited to present T-Golf in April 2009 at the NYS Parks and Recreation Conference in Long Island.
  8. This summer we have taught over 40 plus students using T-Golf with phenomenal results – Just finished a lesson program with an 86 year old woman at the course whom dramatically improved her game.
  9. Saratoga County Special Olympics has utilized multiple sets of T-Golf equipment for training of athletes in their golf program.
  10. CV Golf – we have certified 20 plus individuals in the proper techniques to use

T-Golf equipment as a golf development tool

Individuals that have taken the certification program include recreational therapists, physical therapists, trainers, and some people involved with youth programs. Your product has a vast potential to grow the game of golf and increase golf participation.  It allows us to teach in an easy to understand method where students adapt quickly and easily to the game of golf.  Also it gives of a viable method to teach individuals regardless of their age or physical ability or ailments.   This product truly will expand golf to everyone and will make the game fun and enjoyable for everyone.  We at CV Golf are looking on to 2009 to expand the use of the equipment and to find other avenues to expand programs and golf participation. Thank you again for your hard work and your dedication to grow the game, Charles and Susan Veeder, CV Golf
“Regi Starzyk is a PGA Master Professional. He & many other industry experts correctly state that, Tgolf is an industry paradigm”
Golf Digest

What people have to say about Tgolf

It don't mean a thing if you can't get that swing!
"Your product has a vast potential to grow the game of golf and increase golf participation. It allows us to teach in an easy to understand method where students adapt quickly and easily to the game of golf. Also it gives of a viable method to teach individuals regardless of their age or physical ability or ailments."
Charles and Susan Veeder, CV Golf
“All the kids had a blast! They really enjoyed the T-Golf and I hope we can continue to work together in the future. Thank you for your help.”
Stacy Stark, Director of Instruction Tiger Woods Foundation

Notable Quotes

…for people who want to go out and enjoy the sport of golf…if they want to use a baseball bat…whatever…I think it’s their privilege if it makes the game a little more fun for them to play.

Arnold is correct. Let’s put the fun and socializing back in the game!
This is the game’s tradition!

Through years of experience, I have found that air offers less resistance than dirt.

Jack is correct. Let’s put the ball in a position where everyone can hit it!

Just pick up a club. Don’t be afraid of it. Even if you don’t become a good golfer, it’s still fun.

Tiger is correct. Let’s give everyone the optimal chance to succeed and make it FUN!

A Simple 4-Step Lesson for Beginners

PGA Pros & Members on Tgolf

PGA professionals, teachers and members agree on the value of Tgolf to improve any golfers game, regardless of their skill level!

Tgolf in Action!

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